Thursday, September 7, 2017

First Day

Hello Preschool Families and Friends,

We had a such a great first day! I think it went smoother than any other first day I have ever had, which is a testament to what a wonderful group we have this year! I couldn't believe how well they cleaned the classroom!

Today we practiced the routine of the day, how to walk in a line, and even how to eat in the cafeteria! We read David Goes To School and talked about what a "good preschooler" looks like to help form our classroom rules. We also read The Kissing Hand and talked about our first day feelings. Next week we will meet Tucker the Turtle and learn what it means to be a Super Friend!


Literacy Bags
There was some confusion as to when literacy bags go home. if they are on your child's hook they are ready to go home!

Dates to Remember:
September 28- Field Trip to Chapin's Orchard
September 28- Book Order Due
October 4- Picture Day

A note about the field trip- on the form sent home it says Tuesday September 28th but that is actually a Thursday!

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me! The best way to reach me is by email:

See you Tuesday!

Love, Mrs. Prescott

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